After a detailed research on Warli Art, as a part of my prior undertaken traditional art and modern marketing project, I learnt a lot about various symbolisms used and what does the art signify. I understood the motive that the artists had while creating those stunning pieces of art and design.
In a nutshell, the project was about co-relating traditional art with modern marketing (specifically packaging) so as to create awareness about the art along with attracting new customers towards the product.
Biotique- Eye Shadow Kit Package using Warli Art

The front side of the outside package. As it clearly shows, it makes use of a peacock illustrated in a very traditional warli style. It is one of the most common motif used in the painting style. Warli art to some extent makes us think of being environmentally conscious and finding joy in simple things of life. The Warli people lead fairly simple lives. Earlier, they worshipped nature and depended on nature for food and everyday living. They did not believe in disrupting nature or taking more than they needed. The Warli people believe in harmony between nature and man, and these beliefs are often reflected in their paintings.

Here is the back side of the package and it makes use of another important motif or rather series of motifs to generate a deeper meaning. Men and women in spiral form and concentric circular designs in Warli Paintings symbolize the circle of life. The harmony and balance depicted in these paintings is supposed to signify the harmony and balance of the universe. The circle further forming an eye is directed towards the product (eye shadow) and is purely for aesthetics.

The whole idea was to keep it as minimal as possible plus making it look classy and elite at the same time, with obviously highlighting the Traditional Warli Art form.

This here is just a quick put together mood board or references for that matter that I illustrated and took from the net to complete the project package.